5 Foods To Truly De-Stress For A Restful Beauty Sleep
You sure want to, or certainly have to, keep on your toes at your wedding. Having to run multiple errands, all at once, or even for the sake of your skin and health, you need to get some rest. The pre-wedding jitters and stress are enough to keep you wide awake prior to your big day, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s high time you combat those tired puffy eyes and long sleepless nights. Keeping your happiness and health in mind, we spoke to Harshita Dilawri – Nutritionist and Diabetic Educator, Dr Shikha Sharma – Nutri-Health Systems Pvt. Ltd and Dr Tina Sapra – a Registered Dietician with the American Dietetic Association, to slip us some secrets on sound sleep.
“Popularly known to benefit sleep patterns, having 1 cup of chamomile tea at bedtime can certainly promote sleep,” advocates Dr Shikha Sharma. It helps calm your nerves before bedtime, along with keeping you hydrated and soothing your stomach. One major reason of lack of sleep prior to the wedding is acute stress and tension, and chamomile tea contains an antioxidant ‘Apigenin’, which does a good job of curbing these expected jitters, helping induce sleep. “No surprise here, herbal tea has tons of snooze-promoting properties,” states Dr Harshita Dilawri.