Calmness Kit Benefits

Calmness can most easily occur for the average person during a state of relaxation and to attain utmost of it one must have a good sleep cycle. As in Vedic texts ‘nidra’ means sleep which is included under Tri-upastambh ( triad of health) i.e. the three pillars of health which regulates the body.
A mind that is at peace or calm help in maintaining the cellular activities at its best. To attain calmness of a mind one must maintain a good balance between the mind and gut. Nowadays many of us are facing anxiety issues and get easily irritated just because our gut (second brain) is not feeling healthy like bloating, constipation, reflux etc. All of these will lead to an agitated mind and thus hampers our sleep as well as induces stress in our lives.
So, to get complete calmness we must focus on healthy sleep, good digestion and a great immunity. To get all these benefits we have created a Calmness kit. This kit includes Somsupti, Basil berry and Zingiplus capsules.
Somsupti is basically for relaxation of the mind and to get a good sleep. It contains Ashwagandha, Brahmi and Shankhpushpi. These herbs are vitalizers, have positive influence on the endocrine and central nervous system. They also have rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress and antioxidant properties. They directly affect the hypothalamus and used as a nervine tonic to enhance memory. According to ancient vedas, sleep disorders are generally due to aggravated ‘Vata’. These herbs also help to pacify the vata dosha.
Basil Berry
Basil Berry contains amla, tulsi, haldi, giloy and neem. These herbs help us to build immunity of the body. In ancient vedas it is written that a calm soul resides in a healthy body. If the immunity is good then the body will not suffer from different kinds of diseases and disorders and help them to keep calm.
Zingiplus contains milk thistle, cinnamon , turmeric and ginger. These herbs are great for improving digestion .They helps in detoxification of the liver hence enhance the functioning of the liver which ultimately results in good digestion. As earlier said our gut is our second brain, so to keep calm our both brains should be at peace to attain complete calmness of the body. These herbs help you to get rid of bloating, constipation , flatulence ,uneasiness etc .
So this kit is designed to focus on all the aspects which causes stress to the body and makes the body and soul agitated . This is the complete solution to keep yourself calm .
Click to Buy Calmness Herbs Kit
Prakriti Analysis Individual
It is very useful to do the prakriti analysis as it tells us about the mental, physical and functional aspects of our body. The prakriti based guidelines for diet, lifestyle and usage of herbs results in healthy tissue and balance of doshas. If we take out some time to do our prakriti analysis, it will help us to know about our body cond
Click here Prakriti Analysis
What is the Vedique Diet?
Envisioned by Dr. Shikha Sharma, the Vedique Diet is India’s #1 Doctor-driven, scientific weight loss & disease management programme. It is an amalgamation of the best practices of science-backed Ayurvedic nutrition and modern nutrition. The programme has helped over 51000 patients lose weight, fight diseases, and become healthier over the past 22 years.
Click here Vedique Diet programme
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