Can Intermittent Fasting Cause Weight Gain
Today many people are suffering from Obesity due to overconsumption of junk food which has artificial colours , flavours and preservatives. Added to this is the rise in hormonal imbalance due to the seepage of pesticides into the food chain. To lose weight many people are trying some quick fix diet plan .A popular quick fix Diet Plan is the ” Intermittent fasting Diet Plan “
Intermittent fasting is a concept which can either make you healthy or have severe side effects depending upon how you execute the concept .
1- Harmful Intermittent fasting is when you fast long hours and then break the fast with unhealthy foods . It also becomes a health hazard if you consume a modern junk diet and neglect the concept of circadian rhythm of the body .
2- Healthful Intermittent fasting is possible when done the ” Vedique Way ”
What is Modern Intermittent Fasting ?
This Diet plan works on the basis of following a fasting window for 16 hours hours followed by a feeding / eating window for 8 hours .People avoid eating during the fasting cycle and then eat randomly and anything they wish during the eating cycle .
Intermittent fasting can be of different types as per their eating time and pattern
1 – 16/8 method – In this pattern, 16 hours are spend fasting white 8 hours of the days consist of eating from the example we can start eating from 10:00 am in the morning have to finish at 6:00 pm in the evening time you can choose time according to your schedule
2- Eat-Stop-Eat –This means once or twice in a week it has to be a complete fast for 24 hours with no eating.
3 – 5:2 –This method consists of eating only 500-600 calories During 2 days in a week that means restricted food intake for 2 days and 5 days eating normally.
What happens during Intermittent Fasting ?
1 – During the fasting cycle the body starts to break down protein from muscle tissue and fats from the adipose tissue .
2 – the liver and Kidney face additional burden of work
3 – The stomach has a pool of a very strong acid waiting to digest food , which gives rise to acidity and burping . The Intestine due to absence of food has no bulk or fiber for its function of peristalsis( bowel movement ) leading to gas formation
4 – The body attempts to go into catabolic( breakdown) and detoxification mode .
5 – The Body lowers it’s metabolic rate to compensate for the absence of food
Side Effects of Modern Intermittent Fasting
1 – Higher risk of developing Gallbladder stones
2 – High risk of Peptic Ulcer
3 – Risky for pregnant women , Elderly , Diabetics
4 – Rebound weight gain
5 – Reduced metabolism
Vedique Way of Intermittent Fasting
Vedique way of Intermittent fasting will protect your body , Nourish it and support weight loss without any side effects
Here are Some Dos and don’ts of IMF that will help and guide you to lose weight:
1 – Drink plenty of water during fasting time so that the body gets hydrated for the detoxification process
2 – Drink, acid controlling alkaline vegetable juices to counter the rise of ketones and acid in the body . It will also give you a feeling of fullness.
3 – Break the fast with cooling and alkaline foods like figs , Coconut water etc to support the body in reducing acid build up .
4 – Eat a diet which has vegan protein and avoid non vegetarian foods , consume lots of vegetables, fruits, Gluten free and lactose free foods
5 – Choose foods rich in nutrition and low in refined or fried elements so that the body gets vital , vitamins and minerals.
6 – Choose Vedique Infusions like Vedique Jasmine Infusion and Vedique Rhododendron Infusion to support reduction of Body’s Inflammation
7 – Choose an eating / Feeding cycle which ends at sunset . Do not eat after sunset.
8 – Eat and drink fresh food and water throughout the feeding cycle and do not starve .
1 – Do not miss lunch , because the acid production is highest during 10:am to 4;00 pm
2 – No processed foods to be allowed at all –no cookies, cakes, candy, etc.
3 – No fried food should be consumed. Have only sautéed, steamed food to be taken . Use only cold pressed oils.
4 – Limit salt intake .Overconsumption of salt can stop you from losing weight.
5 – Avoid or Minimise Salt , Sugar, Non Vegetarian foods , White Flours , Dairy ( Milk , Curd , Cottage cheese , regular cheese ) .
6 – Avoid Tea or Coffee. It is very acidic, especially during fasting
You can start following free diet plans from Vedique Diet App.
Photo by Jasmin Schreiber on Unsplash
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