Consuming Seeds can lead to weight loss

A seed is a miniature plant that is packed inside a protective coating, the seed contains its own foods to help it grow and nourish itself, plant seeds contain a good amount of protein, carbohydrate, and fat which are essential for the human body, along with fibre and an array of vitamins and minerals. A seed has the potential to become an entire plant and since it contains the nutrients necessary in order to make that happen, it’s easy to see why the seeds of many plants can provide a lot of nutrients in a tiny package. While doing gym or even heavy workout u need to keep yourself filling for a long time, incorporating seeds can lead to weight loss.
Seeds are a part of our daily diet, more often than we realize. Foods like berries, bananas, eggplant, cucumbers also contain seeds that we don’t realize while consuming. There are seeds that can be added additionally to our foods. These edible seeds add flavor, texture and contribute small amounts of vitamins and minerals, too. Seeds being powerhouses of nutrients are also a boon for weight loss, hence, when included in the diet it gives great health benefits. From flax seeds to pumpkin seeds, here are the different health benefits that these seeds can lead to weight loss:
Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds the tiny white seeds that we see on the surface of buns—are packed with minerals such as copper and manganese. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of protein, which helps in increasing our metabolic rate and satiates hunger, consuming sesame seeds help to avoid intake of e+xcessive calories in our diet which helps in weight loss. Being a good source of fiber, they can help you lose fat but maintain muscles They are a good source of calcium; Mostly used on stir-fried vegetables and in salads.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are considered as pseudo-grain. That is they’re the carbohydrate-rich seeds of a non-grass plant. When chia seeds come in contact with liquid, they tend to swell up and form a thick gel. They make the food more filling. They are used for thickening up shakes. Chia seeds prevent blood sugar spike after a meal and regulate blood glucose levels. Chia seeds will also boost the energy level.
Flax seeds
Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. They are also an excellent source of compounds called lignans, which act as antioxidants in the body. The outer coat of flax seeds is very hard, the whole seeds tend to pass through the digestive tract untouched. So, as to receive the optimum benefit of the nutrients inside, it’s best to eat flaxseed in ground form. They are a good source of protein. So, a teaspoon of flaxseeds suppresses your appetite. This prevents overheating, thereby resulting in weight loss.
Hemp seeds
Hemp seeds, considered one of the superfoods are the seeds from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. These are tiny brown seeds extremely nutritious and rich in proteins, healthy fats, and various minerals. These seeds aid in digestion, balance the hormones, and improve metabolism. These seeds can help those suffering from constipation. Insoluble fibers that are present in the hemp seed can also provide relief from diarrhea. On the other hand, soluble fibers, stimulate the production of bile juice, which in turn reduces the amount of LDL cholesterol.
Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are larger than most other seeds, which may be one reason why many people enjoy eating them on their own. Sunflower seeds are black in color and have white shells, it takes a while to crack them open and eat them—which helps with portion control. Sunflower seeds are rich in healthy fats, so the calories in edible seeds can add up quickly in the food unless used in a portion control manner. They contain zinc, folate, and vitamin B6, and they contain choline—a nutrient that supports cellular health and nervous system function.
Quinoa Seeds
Quinoa, mostly considered as whole grains because of its nutritive values, are in actuality the healthiest seed in the world. They are high in protein as compared to other staple grains, are a good source of fibre and loaded with bioactive compounds like polyphenols and isoflavones which keeps an eye on vascular contraction and thus, prevents cardiac and blood pressure related disorders. It is a great gluten-free option and has a low glycaemic index making it a good option among the food for weight loss.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc that triggers healthy metabolism and muscle building. It also regulates the sugar level in the bloodstream. The rich protein content in the seed enables a healthy digestive tract, avoiding constipation. Importantly, it promotes alkalinity by neutralizing acidity. Moreover, the magnesium and calcium nutrients can slow down stomach bloating.
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