Detoxification: How to detox your body naturally and what are its benefits

Dr Alejandro Junger, New York Times Bestselling Author & Founder – CLEAN, sits down with Dr. Shikha Sharma to discuss how to detox your body naturally & its various benefits.
In this video, Dr. Alejandro Junger explains how Gut, rightly called the second brain, is at the center of your physical and mental wellbeing. He also speaks about how to detox your body and gut using the Organic India Clean Program. A few of the benefits of detoxifying your body naturally is that it will help you improve your digestive health, and thus leading to improved skin and hair health, weight loss, and mood.
He further goes on to explain how the Organic India Clean program works and how he came about creating the program when he was troubled with allergies, infection, depression, and severe IBS. Dr. Junger shares how his practice with the Clean program has come across hundreds of thousands of people who report they benefited in weight loss, good sleep, healthy skin, stronger hair, infertility issues, and lifestyle-disorders like type 2 Diabetes.
To know more, visit: (Organic India Clean Program)
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i m 50 yrs old die to.lockdown stuck to home n my twin babies 4 yrs all goes bad no time for food n sleep wana detoxify naturally at home 68 kg wait njust my stomach becme fat
In this case you can take help of Detox water (suggested in other videos and articles by us) and consuming more of pro and prebiotics foods for a good and healthy gut.
Yes I want to reduce my weight
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Dear Dr Shikha Thanks for educating me on need of detoxication on regular basis I have some questions A)How much a detox kit of 21days detox program will cost? B) Does the kit contains ready to eat /drink stuff or i have to prepare the dishes in my kitchen? C) Can the kit with instructions be delivered through digital shop like Amazon etc. as iam at mumbai D) Is it a universal kit or it is specific for person to person? E) Do I have to enroll in some program to get 100 percent benifit? F) Are there some Do's and Dont's attached to get 100 percent benifits? G)Are the results quantifiable and visible at the end of the program? I hope to get the answers to decide to enroll into this promising program
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