Do You Know Rose Tea Is Good For Your Health?

Past thousand years we are incorporating flowers in our traditional cooking, not only they add colour to our menu or diet but contains some beneficial nutritive value also. Flowers which not only soothes our mind and eyes with their colour and fragrances but also ease our health disorders with their medicinal values and benefits. Rose is one of the ornamental shrubs which is well known for its beautiful colour and health benefits for every age group. The chemical components of rose geraniol, L-citronellol and phenylethanol are used in manufacturing cosmetics, food products and other health-related products.
Rose petals in the form of tea is commonly famous as “ROSE TEA”. Some of the health benefits are listed here:
- Immunity: Rose Tea is full of vitamin c which improves our stamina and fights against illnesses. Rose tea also detoxifies the body.
- Healthy Skin And Hair: Due to its Pitta pacifying properties it is helpful in skin disorders like itchiness, dullness and ageing signs. It controls hair fall and turns dull hair to luxurious and healthy hair.
- Digestion: Rose Tea is good for improving digestive power thus useful in acidity, bloating and constipation.
- Stress Relevant: Stress is easily relieved with its fragrant flavour and soothing colour. Anxiety and sleeping disorders which hamper our health and daily activity can be well-taken care with a sip of Rose Tea.
- Women Health: The discomfort of those five days of women cycle is resolved with the Rose Tea. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is beneficial in bloating, pain and heaviness.
1 infusion bag to be infused in 120 ml hot boiling water for one-time use, and to be taken 2-3 times daily for the relaxed mind and body.
Rose tea Roz piyenge.
How to make rose tea with fresh petals ?
Hi! To make rose tea you need 1 to 2 cups of fresh rose petals, 3 cups of water and Honey 2 tsp as a sweetener. Method: 1) Heat the water in a pan and boil rose petals, heat till the petals turned decoloured. 2) Add honey, sieve it and serve hot.