How to incorporate Honey in your diet

Nectar of Gods- ‘Honey’, is a sweet liquid whose journey starts as flower nectar which has been collected by bees. Inside the honeycomb the collected nectar gets broken down into simple sugars. This sweet liquid has been a staple in the human diet for thousands of years because of its multiple benefits. Do have high levels of monosaccharides, fructose, and glucose, and it includes about 70 to 80 percent sugar, which provides the sweet nature to honey. Honey also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Honey also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. The sugar content which is very high in honey dehydrates the bacteria by the production of hydrogen peroxide and other antibacterial chemicals. Honey enhances growth of body tissues by helping to form new blood vessels, collagen and epithelial cells. It’s healing properties are increased when it’s mixed with other herbs, fruits and foods. There are numerous ways to use honey in home remedies.
Honey can be incorporated in following ways with its medical benefits:
- Sore throat and flu honey can be mixed with citrus fruits to help get rid of any bacteria.
- Honey can be mixed with lemon juice for relieving cold symptoms.
- Honey when combined with cinnamon water helps in combating hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
- When honey is mixed ginger, it reduces inflammation and is good for an upset stomach.
- Cloves contain a very strong anesthetic chemical called eugenol which is an antiseptic that kills germs that’s why for toothache there is use of clove oil. Clove with honey can be used for toothache.
- Honey is mixed with some ayurvedic herbs to enhance the potency of medicines.
Other ways of incorporating honey when you are not having any kind of illness:
- Honey can be added up in salad dressings.
- Can be added up in tea/coffee/ shakes as sweetener
- Drizzle honey on top of toast or pancakes.
- Honey can be added in cakes as a sweetener.
- Honey can be added in porridges.
Purchase Organic Honey
Other uses of Honey:
- For Healing wounds and burns.
- Reducing the duration of diarrhoea: Honey also promotes increased potassium and water intake, which is particularly helpful when experiencing diarrhea.
- Prevents Acid Reflux.
- Vision Problems
- Boosts Memory Power
- Fighting Infections: A more recent study in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases showed that a certain type of honey, called Manuka honey, can help prevent the bacteria Clostridium difficile from settling in the body. C. difficile is known for causing severe diarrhea and sickness
Overall, honey is good in terms of its medicinal properties and its GI is lower than sugar, so Diabeteic patients can take honey but still its a form of sugar only, so intake should be moderate. Especially for weight watchers, honey should be used in moderate amounts only as it can increase the amount of calories being consumed. Consult the Doctor, if honey is to be used medically, like applying to topical wounds and irritated skin.
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