Is Whey Protein Enough for Weight Loss ? You might not know

Protein is an important nutrient that our body needs for various functions. The most popular protein supplement people take around the world is Whey protein. Every health freak talks about whey protein so let’s first understand what it is actually.
Whey protein is the by-product of milk that we get during the production of cheese. The leftover liquid is whey which is further converted into powder to consume as a supplement and can be easily added in daily routine. Add a scoop of powder to the water, yogurt, or milk, depending on the taste and preference. It is considered as a complete protein as it has all essential amino acids that our body requires from external sources. It promotes the growth of lean tissue mass and helps to improve muscle protein synthesis.
Consumption of carbohydrates pre workout helps to mobilize fat in the body and proteins post workout helps to build muscle. Taking whey protein not only helps you to maintain muscle growth and strengthen the body but also helps you lose fat too much faster and efficiently. A scoop of whey gives almost 10g of protein and can be consumed to promote satiety and aid weight loss.
So what’s made it so unique?
Whey is an easily digestible source of protein that goes down easy and is taken up quickly. It supplies amino acids to the body in a good manner. It has more BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) than any other source of protein, especially Leucine. Whey improves muscle performance, reduces the symptoms of stress, helps you get in more water, contains antioxidants, fights cholesterol, and keeps blood pressure and cardiovascular troubles under check.
More about Whey!
- While there are many benefits of whey but it is necessary to look on the other side also. We often forget to monitor the serving size or portion of food in the diet. Moderation is a very important component in all kinds of diets and supplements. Excessive intake of whey protein may cause more harm than good to the body. Overconsumption of whey leads to weight gain and can hinder the weight loss journey.
- Some of the side effects are nausea, cramps, bloating, indigestion, reduced appetite, fatigue, excessive thirst, and headache. As it is safe for most of the adults and children to consume but should be avoided by pregnant and lactating mothers.
- People who are allergic to milk or lactose intolerant may not be able to digest this protein well as it contains some amount of milk protein also. So it is advisable to always check the label before purchasing any whey from the market.
- Generally, whey protein does no harm to the kidney and liver but can aggravate the pre existing damage to both organs. People with damaged kidneys or liver should be cautious while taking protein supplements without the guidance of experts.
- Some of the whey protein powders have a high content of sugar in it that might be destructive to the diet and cause weight gain. Check the label before buying a new product.
- Consuming whey can only give you results with appropriate regular exercise. So do not only depend on whey for your weight loss as exercise matters too.
One who wants to reduce weight can opt for whey in a regular routine by keeping these points in mind and make sure to consult an expert first.
Balance Pro is a perfect alternative for Weigh Protein, a natural protein powder with no artificial colors. It is a combination of pea protein and rice protein which naturally contains amino-acids and is enriched with multi-vitamins and minerals.
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