Make Breakfast Healthy With These Ingredients
Breakfast is indeed the most essential meal of the day which should not be taken for granted. An adequate amount of breakfast not only keeps a person energetic all day long but also keep various diseases at bay. So, meticulous attention should be given as to what to have in the breakfast and in what quantity. According to Ayurveda skipping breakfast irritates Sadhaka Pitta, a sub-dosha of Pitta. Sadhaka Pitta is responsible for maintaining an even temper and when in balance, brings joy and contentment. An imbalanced Sadhaka Pitta can result in irritability and unsettled emotions.
Researches show that who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be in their ideal body weight range and the ones who skip breakfast are more likely to fall in the overweight category as they crave for and tend to eat high sugar and fatty snacks later in the day.
Below is the list of some nutrition dense ingredients which one can incorporate in their breakfast to make it healthy:
- Banana: It is one of the most popular fruit among every age-group because it provides abundant calories, vitamins and minerals. They are high in vitamin B6 and fibre. They are also considered as the best sources of potassium which is good for heart health. According to Ayurveda fruits are the best to have in the morning. Best time to consume fruit is 30 min before breakfast.
- Berries: Berries such as blueberries, cranberries and strawberries are not only delicious but are the major sources of anti-oxidants, vitamin-C, fibre and manganese. Concentrated tannins or proanthocyanidins in them even helps in the prevention of urinary tract infections.
- Quinoa: It has become incredibly popular among health-conscious individuals in recent years. It is high in nutrients like fibre and magnesium. It is also an excellent source of plant-based protein and contains all essential amino acids. It is also gluten-free and high in iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants. Quinoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol. These are plant-based antioxidants with various health benefits. (You can get quinoa from here)
- Whole milk: It is very high in vitamins, minerals, quality animal protein and healthy fats. It is a rich source of calcium. They can be incorporated in numerous recipes such as in dalia, oats, bran porridge, smoothie, muesli, etc.
- Oats: Oats helps in lowering blood cholesterol due to the presence of powerful fibres called beta-glucans which have numerous benefits. Apart from this, they are also loaded with other nutrients. One can make them nutrition dense by adding chopped almonds, walnuts and berries in it.
- Chia And Flaxseeds: These are responsible for improving metabolic health due to the abundant composition of omega-3 fatty acids. 28 grams of chia/flaxseeds contains 11-grams fibre, and a large part of the recommended intake for magnesium, manganese, calcium and various other nutrients.
- Nuts: Nuts like almonds, peanuts and walnuts are overloaded with essential nutrients i.e. magnesium, vitamin-E, fibre, anti-oxidants, etc. The omega-3 fatty acids in them also aid in weight loss. Generally, they are eaten generally at the early morning in a soaked form. They should be soaked overnight in order to remove tannins and phytic acids which interferes in the gut functioning.
- Legumes: Legumes are the cheapest sources of a great plant-based quality protein especially for vegetarians. Black gram and kidney beans contain various vitamins and minerals as well as high fibre. People can incorporate them in their breakfast in the form of dal cheela, besan cheela, sprouted salad etc.
- Green Tea: Green tea contains catechins, polyphenolic compounds that have numerous protective effects, especially on the cardiovascular system. It helps in preventing the risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. It boosts immunity and provide longevity.
- Vegetable Juice: Having vegetable juice first thing in the morning is the best way to break the overnight fasting. Vegetables like carrot, leek, beetroot, spinach, amla, Apple and ginger are few options out of which we can get healthy vegetable juice. Vegetable juice is the best way to get all essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy body.