By Dr. Shikha Sharma
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Manage Cholesterol Naturally With Herbs

Dyslipidemia (commonly called high cholesterol) is a condition when someone has abnormal levels of lipids (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides) in their blood.

  • High levels bad cholesterol (LDL)
  • low levels of good cholesterol (HDL)
  • Increased levels of triglycerides
  • High total cholesterol(high LDL & triglyceride )

    The primary role of lipid is to provide energy to cells. Mostly the cholesterol is made in the liver and is needed for good health. But high cholesterol levels can cause many health issues, including damage to the liver and heart attack.

    Cholesterol control kit is a combination of natural herbs which help to improve liver metabolism. It helps reduce bad cholesterol, triglycerides and protect the heart.

    1. LKC

    LKC is a very effective herbal combination which is highly effective for both the liver and the kidneys. LKC helps in regular fat metabolism in the liver. It has the following herbs:

    • Bhumyamalaki Whole Herb (Phyllanthus Niruri): It balances pitta aggravation and helps tackle the inflammation, high sugar levels, toxins and repair damaged cells. It increases liver metabolism and digestion which has a positive effect on cholesterol levels.
    • Punarnava Root: Punarnava helps improving liver metabolism owing to its anti-inflammatory. This herb is known to have properties like analgesic, astringent and carminative properties. It helps in removing toxins from the body.
    • Katuki root (Picrorhiza Kurroa): Katuki is helpful in removing excess fat in the liver. It increases improves digestion, reduces inflammation in the liver and regenerates damaged cells of the liver.

    Arjun: It inhibits cholesterol synthesis in the liver, it helps improve fat metabolism. It is a powerful antioxidant and significantly reduce total and LDL (bad cholesterol)

    Harjor: It lowers serum lipid levels, regulates fat metabolism and protects the cardiovascular system from high cholesterol, hypertension and stress.

    Vana Tulsi: It improves circulation, lowers stress-related hypertension, prevents plaque formation in blood vessels and works on reducing stress effectively.


    Triphala is the most prominent herb in Ayurveda for improving digestion and ensuring good digestion. It naturally regulates the cholesterol level and helps improve liver metabolism. It helps in detoxification of the liver and digestive canal.


    It improves digestion and metabolism. It helps to balance the pH level of the body, it also helps in natural detoxification and lowers cholesterol levels.

    Get the benefit of all these herbs in a single kit!

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