Manage Diabetes With These Natural Herbs

Ayurveda is always being followed as the first science in everyone’s life to adjust with physical and mental illness. To cope up with lifestyle disorders like DIABETES there are a number of easy to follow rituals and herbs that can be included in your daily routine to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and balance this alarming DIABETES.
Diabetes in Ayurveda is termed as Madhumeh, madhu means sweet and meh means urine. Diabetes is due to the imbalance of Kapha(water) dosha.
Following tips and herbs can help to manage diabetes
- Day sleep or more sitting should be avoided, daily walk and activity should be included in the lifestyle of a diabetic person.
- Sweet fruits like mango, grapes should be avoided and start taking whole grain like oats, quinoa, bajra, ragi etc.
- Try to lose the extra kilos to maintain the sugar level.
- Monitor blood glucose level, lipid profile, kidney and liver function test on a regular basis.
Following herbs should be included to balance sugar:
- LKC (Liver Kidney Care):Â The herbs Bhumyamalaki (phyllanthus niruri), katuki (picrorhiza kurroa),punarnava (boerhaavia diffusa) are well known for its healthy effects on hepatic(liver) and kidney related problems., such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, jaundice, urinary tract infection, burning micturition and obesity too.Dosage: LKC can be taken 1-2 cap after meal twice a day with water. It can be taken safely for long term duration.
- Sugar Balance Capsule:Â 2 Capsule of this sugar balance combination before or with meal maintain your blood sugar level and act as a boon for a diabetic person. Bimbi (coccinia indica), Sadabahar (vinca rosea), Bougainvillea (bougainvillea spectabilis) like herbs make this a beneficial combination for insulin absorption. It can also be used for a long time.Dosage:Â 2 Capsule of this before or with meal help in maintaining your blood sugar level
- Neem Capsules:Â The evergreen herb neem is known from the ancient time is useful for its antibacterial and blood purifying properties. The flowers, twigs, leaves and even bark is used for various health disorders. It works well with oral infections. It balances bacterial infections, fungal infections, acne, balances the sugar level in the blood, purifies the blood and clean urinary system.Dosage: 1-2 capsule with water after meal twice a day is safe to use for the long run.
- Vitality Capsules:Â The perfect immunity booster, stress combating and adaptogenic properties of these capsules can enhance the well being and lifestyle disorders. The valuable well known combination of herbs like Ashwagandha (withania somnifera), Katuki(picrorhiza kurroa), Vana Tulsi (ocimum gratissimum) and Neelkamal (Nymphaea stellata) and Rama tulsi (ocimum sanctum) is good for general debility, stress-related problems like insomnia, headache, daily work exhaustion, ageing and anti-infectious disorders. These herbs help in balancing the side effects related problems due to diabetes. Dosage: 1 capsule after breakfast and after dinner with water or milk is beneficial.
- Cinnamon Capsules:Â Cinnamon (cinnamomum) is rich in antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory actions, balancing insulin level in the bloodstream, balances disturbed lipid level saving the heart and of course in obesity. Cinnamon is the bark or outer layer of the stem of the tree come in round curled sticks form and found easily in everyone’s kitchen. Dosage: Daily using 1 capsule twice a day after breakfast and after dinner is going to show the noticeable results in very few days.
Get the benefit of all these herbs in a single kit. You can get it from here