Start Taking Care Of Your Skin, Once You Cross 40’s

As we grow old, our skin experiences a reduction in the production of collagen, natural oils and elastin, in turn, making it dry and look lifeless. During this age, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots start appearing on the skin. After 40, A good skin care regimen should include both correction and prevention.
Drinking sufficient amounts of water and consuming a healthy diet helps to keep skin glowing and reduce aging signs. Rejuvenates and restores the skin, improves complexion and promoting a clear healthy radiant glow.
Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables provides your skin with essential antioxidants. Hydrated skin looks naturally young and radiant.
Foods that help to reduce the aging process are as follows:
- Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has incredible properties to protect your skin from harmful sunlight. It can damage free radicals that result from UV rays, as free radicals can break down collagen, which will eventually cause fine lines and inflammation. The cooking process of tomatoes makes it easier for your body to absorb lycopene.
- Grapes: Eating grapes is beneficial for your skin health. Grapes keep skin hydrated and improve skin appearance as they are filled with water. They even boost cell regeneration.
- Beans: Beans are one of the best anti-aging foods that provide a healthy amount of protein and antioxidants. known as magical fruits, they are rich in fiber, magnesium, and other important nutrients. They are packed with antioxidants that have the ability to prevent skin damage by free radicals and prevent premature aging and keep your skin soft and smooth.
- Papaya: It is an incredibly healthy and delicious food that is good for your skin, hair, and overall health. Papaya is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can help you lose weight, control blood pressure, lower blood glucose levels, and much more. Papaya contains an enzyme named papain, which has an incredible function to reduce pigmentation and wrinkle formation. It helps to moisturize your skin, helps clear pigmentation, helps in the reduction of under-eye dark circles, and lightens your skin.
- Yogurt: Yogurt is an incredibly nutritious and flavorful food that is famous for improving digestive health. Alpha hydroxy acid, an enzyme that yogurt contains, can easily dissolve dead skills and is anti-aging in every aspect. Yogurt, if topically applied, can prevent premature aging, moisturize your skin, treat acne, reduce discoloration, age spots, and blotches.
- Carrots: Carrots are an excellent source of retinoids, a fat-soluble form of vitamin A that is vital for your skin health. They contain a good amount of vitamin C that helps in skin recovery at a  faster rate from wounds and trauma. Carrots possess cancer-fighting properties, reduce skin inflammation, and help treat skin disorders such as psoriasis and rashes. Vitamin A is known to be good for wrinkle reduction, boost collagen production, which is essential for elasticity and skin cell regeneration.
- Fatty Fish: fish and healthy fats fish is delicious food that is low in fat and rich in protein, vitamin E, and zinc. It is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, which are famous for their anti-inflammatory properties. Powerful omega 3 acids can maintain skin cell hydration, reduce dry skin, and keep your skin moisturized.
- Pomegranates: Pomegranate is one of the best foods for glowing and radiating skin. High levels of antioxidants make pomegranate an amazing acne-fighting food that can prevent free radical damage, control sebum production, and reduce inflammation.
- Melon: Melon or cantaloupe is a highly refreshing summer snack that contains essential nutrients that can make your skin super soft and glowing. It can keep your skin hydrated, reduce signs of dryness, and treat UV related skin damage.
Some other Anti-aging Foods that you can add to Your Diet
- Avocado
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Oatmeal
- Turmeric
- Cilantro
- Honey
- Green Tea
- Sweet potatoes
- Red bell pepper
- Berries
- Water
- Nuts
- Watercress
Add these foods to your diet as they can reduce the signs of aging, keep your skin tightened, toned, and younger-looking.
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash