Suffering From Insomnia? Sleep Deep With These Natural Herbs

Nowadays insomnia is quite prevalent in every age group be it adolescents, youngsters, middle-aged or old people. At some point, most of us experience a short, unpleasant turn of insomnia. It is often a result of stress or a change in the daily routine. Due to irregular and unhealthy eating habits like excessive intake of alcohol, having a lot of junk food, late-night dinners and that too heavy people generally don’t get a sound sleep. Sign of sound sleep is when you get up in the morning and feel fresh and energetic. With Sleep Deep Supplement provided by Organic India, you can have sound sleep.
Ayurveda’s Aspect
Insomnia is named ‘Nidra-naasha‘ in Sanskrit which means “lack of sleep”.
In Ayurveda, it is described as a condition that is caused by aggravation of the ‘Vata’ dosha (one of the three bio-energies). Satva, Raja, and Tama are the three qualities of mind. Tama is essential for healthy sleep, while Raja is responsible for interrupted sleep and early waking. In most patients, insomnia is a symptom of a systemic or psychological disorder where Raja of mind is increased.
People with insomnia can feel dissatisfied with their sleep and experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Low energy levels
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Mood disturbances
- Decreased performance at work or at school.
How long does insomnia last?
Insomnia may be characterized based on its duration.
Acute insomnia often happens due to life circumstances, for example, when you can’t fall asleep the night before an exam, or after receiving stressful or bad news.
Chronic insomnia is a disturbed sleep that occurs at least three nights per week and lasts for at least three months. Chronic insomnia can be co-morbid, linked to another medical condition like arthritis or back pain or psychiatric issues like anxiety or depression.
With ORGANIC INDIA SLEEP DEEP supplements, you can get a natural good night’s sleep.
ORGANIC INDIA Supplements:
Tulsi Capsules: These contain tulsi which regulates the stress hormone cortisol and helps the body to manage the pressure of stress along with its valuable benefits of anti-aging and detoxification. It nourishes the mind, improves immunity, and leads to a stress-free life.
Vitality Capsules: Each capsule contains Ashwagandha, Vana Tulsi, Krishna tulsi, Neelkamal, and Katuki.
Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera) improves energy levels, boosts blood circulation, and tackles stress. It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic properties, it enhances stamina, muscular strength is an analgesic and boosts immunity.
Krishna tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissium) relieves stress.
Katuki (Picrorrhiza kurroa) has anti-stress, anti-viral properties. It protects the kidney and liver along with boosting stamina.
Neelkamal/Waterlily (Nymphea stellata)is an adaptogen, anti-stress, gastro friendly.
Brahmi Capsules: These contain Brahmi (Centella asiatica) which enhances memory and concentration, protects the nervous system, stress-reliever, and helps fight depression.
LKC: It supports kidneys and liver function, supports the immune system, and improves the elimination of toxins. Each capsule contains bhumyamalaki, punarnava, and katuki.
Bhumyalamalaki(Phyllanthus niruri) protects the liver and kidney, has anti-viral properties
Punarnava(Boerhaevia diffusa) is effective in the liver and urinary infections, a potent diuretic, renal regenerative
Katuki(Picrorrhiza kurroa) is a diuretic, anti-pyretic, antiparasitic, immune booster.
Peaceful Sleep Capsules: This help to produce a natural sound sleep as they contain Gotu kola, Krishna Tulsi, and ashwagandha. It enhances memory and concentration, protects the nervous system, stress-reliever, helps fight depression
ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Infusion Bags:
- TULSI WELLNESS (Contains moringa, tulsi, ashwagandha, Brahmi-Gotu kola)
- It relieves stress, increases stamina, soothes, and supports the nervous system, and vitalizes blood.
- TULSI SLEEP (Contains Krishna Tulsi, Vana Tulsi, Chamomile, Cardamom, Ashwagandha, Gotu Kola, Stevia)
- It soothes restlessness, supports nighttime relaxation before going to bed, promotes restful sleep.
These supplements support sound and refreshing sleep by naturally rejuvenating and calming the nervous system. They relieve stress and tiredness while supporting natural, comfortable, and restorative sleep. Apart from having these herbs make some changes in your lifestyle as well such as:
- Don’t watch TV or any kind of work on your bed.
- Make your room totally dark and quiet, it activates super sleep hormone melatonin.
- Exercise regularly like walking, jogging, etc.
- Do practice Pranayama and deep breathing exercises.
Best medicine for sleep?
Hello Mr. Gupta, please follow the link to read about the best medicine to help you get sound sleep @
Need help for insomnia n magnesium supplements
Hello Smita, call us @ 1800-103-6663 toll-free number to resolve your query.