7 Natural Herbs that Control Blood Sugar Levels

Hyperglycemia is a condition in which there is an abnormally high blood glucose level in the blood. It is a distinctive sign of diabetes (both type 1 and type 2). This is often due to insufficient levels of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for managing the use of glucose for energy. Uncontrolled Diabetes can lead to the damage to the organs and tissues. It can also impair the immune response, damage the nerves, kidneys, blood vessels and can also lead to vision problems. There are several medical options for treating high blood sugar, as well as many herbs that produce a similar blood-sugar-lowering effect. Following are some of the herbs which can be used for controlling diabetes naturally.
Oregano is a Greek word, “oros” meaning mountain, and “ganos” meaning joy. It is a medicinal herb that is rich in antioxidants and in spite of its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it has a mild inhibiting effect on amylase, an enzyme that breaks starch into sugar, which can be beneficial in managing high blood glucose level.
Cinnamon has a positive effect on the glycemic control and the lipid profile in patients with diabetes mellitus-2. This popular Indian spice can improve insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control.
Cloves contain 30% of the antioxidant phenol in dry weight, along with antioxidants, anthocyanins and quercetin. They offer anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive health benefits for diabetics.
Fenugreek Seeds
Very popular and its effect are also visible in patients with diabetes mellitus-2. Several human intervention trials have also shown that fenugreek seeds positively affect metabolic health. Fenugreek seeds have a slightly bitter taste when raw, but when they are sprouted, the flavour becomes pungently sweet, adding a unique taste to salads and other foods. Fenugreek seeds may also be lightly dry roasted to enhance their flavour and reduce their bitterness.
Jamun Seeds Powder
The seed powder of Jamun (Eugenia jambolana) (1 tsp) twice a day along with lukewarm water is good for curing diabetes. The chewing of Jamun leaves prevents the conversion of starch into sugar.
Paneer Doda (Withania Coagulans)
Regular use of this fruit has shown a decrease in high levels of glucose. W. coagulans Dunal is commonly known as ‘Indian cheese maker’ or ‘vegetable rennet’ because fruits and leaves of this plant are used as a coagulant. This plant has been reported to possess antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, hepatoprotective, anti-hyperglycemic, cardiovascular, immuno-suppressive, free radical scavenging and central nervous system depressant activities.
Meyshringi (Gymnenma sylvestre)
Meyshringi is popularly known as ‘Gudmar’ which when chewed destroys the sense of the tongue to appreciate the taste of sugar and all saccharine substances. Meyshringi is a woody climber whose leaf extracts contains gymnemic acid, which is known to inhibit hyperglycemia i.e. increased sugar level in the blood. It helps to maintain the right level of glucose in the body.
How to decrese blood sugar, please suggest any plan or hurbs or medicine...