By Dr. Shikha Sharma
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Balance the Nutrient Intake during Navratri with These Foods

The fasting season of Navratri helps or gives the opportunity to people to detox body and also keeps the people remains fit but some of them gorge to salty, sugary and fatty dishes that helps in gaining weight as well as it imbalances the nutrient intake. It is the time to eat healthy foods and ideal food must contain the balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It is really important to eat and choose right kind of foods during the festive season.

There are some simple ways to detoxify the body and maintain the nutrient balance

  • Potato: Eat 4-6 boiled potatoes for the whole day in the form of raita, tikkis (not deep fried) and vegetable. Always substitute the fried potatoes with grilled potato cutlets, potato chaat or potato mash. Sweet potatoes can be taken as roasted form.
  • Paneer: This is a protein plan so one can eat paneer as a light preparation like paneer salad, roasted/grilled paneer or grated paneer in cheelas in one meal and a glass of low-fat milk as a snack.
  • Sago /Sabudana: It can be taken in form of khichdi or kheer during Navratri. This is a calorie dense or high glycemic food so one should have only one meal of sago and rest as fruits and dairy products.
  • Soups: It can be the best option during fasts and it can be prepared with allowed vegetables as a mid-meal. Soups are considered as the natural diuretics as it helps in reducing constipation. Eat veggies like pumpkin and dudhi (bottle guard) with beetroot, cucumber in different form like soups to fill you up with fewer calories.
  • Buckwheat flour (Kuttu flour): It is the popular meal during fasting and day is incomplete without kuttu relish. Instead of eating pooris make vegetable kuttu pancakes (cheelas) or kuttu chapattis with Bottle gourd stuffing which requires the less amount of oil. Rest of the day have fruits.
  • Samak rice: It is the one of the starchy preparation but to balance calorie intake have fruits and milk rest of the day. One can prepare the pancakes with Samak rice atta or Samak rice idlis, Samak rice cheelas and Samak rice kheer with low-fat milk etc. To avoid excess use of oils during fasting which balances the nutrient intake.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Include more of micronutrients, phytochemicals, and antioxidants like fruits and allowed vegetables during fasting as it helps in fighting the disease.
  • Milk and milk products: include plenty of fluids in diet like coconut water, yoghurt, vegetable soups, milk, water, buttermilk which maintain the required fluid level in the body. Drink milk twice a day but instead of whole milk replace it with skimmed milk and for making kheer use skimmed milk only.
  • Roasted grains: It should be included in the diet as roasted almonds, roasted makhane, roasted peanuts, walnuts to maintain weight as well as cholesterol levels.

This will help to balance the nutrient intake during fasting without weight gain.

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