Benefits of Jeera Water

Cumin Seeds are an important Indian spice that does not only make your food delicious but has amazing health benefits too. Let’s understand it’s magical benefits of Jeera Water to get the advantage in our daily routine.
Helps in digestion
Jeera water consumption on the everyday basis can stimulate the secretion of a number of carbohydrate, glucose and fat breaking enzymes. It enhances our metabolism and keeps the digestive system on track and helps to prevent diseases like diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence and morning sickness.
Prevents acidity
It is effective in preventing acidity and indigestion. It is especially beneficial in curing stomach related problems, abdominal pain, and cramps caused by menstruation and digestive issues.
Immunity booster
Jeera is an excellent source of iron, essential for maintaining the normal functionality of the immune system. It contains a good amount of vitamin A and vitamin C, which have antioxidant benefits and makes jeera water immunity booster.
Helpful for the respiratory system
Jeera water also has a positive impact on our respiratory system. It is anti-congestive by nature which can dilute the mucus accumulated in the chest.
Prevents insomnia
Jeera water helps in promoting sound sleep. Regular intake of it helps in preventing insomnia.
Contains free radicals
Jeera contains dietary fibre which works on the harmful toxic materials present in our body and makes their elimination smoother. It contains free radical scavengers that act as a detoxifier and enhances its cleansing power.
Good for pregnancy and lactation
Jeera water is good for pregnant and lactating women as it contains iron in good amounts. It helps in fulfilling the requirements of iron of expecting mothers as well as the fetus or the baby.
Very informative & useful. I must appreciate your work. You should give columns in the newspaper so it can become helpful for society .
Hi! Columns by Dr Shikha Sharma are published in Hindustan Times Brunch from more than 10 years. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more health and nutrition updates.
How to prepare jeera pani?
Hi! Soak 1 teaspoon jeera in 1 glass water overnight. In the morning boil it till the quantity becomes half cup. Sieve it and have.
How to prepare jeera water
Hi! Aravind, soak 1 teaspoon jeera in 1 glass water overnight. In the morning boil it till the quantity becomes half cup. Sieve it and have.
jeera water can be drink any tym ( in eve) or particularly in morning
Hi! Divya, it is to be taken early morning empty stomach for best results.
How much period jeera water can be consumed for acidity?
Is jeera water help in weight lose also ? 1tsp jeera soak in a glass of water overnight & mng warm it & taking empty stomach is this correct or should I boil & take
I am planning for baby can I drink regularly jeera water
You can take jeera water sometimes especially if some digestive issues are there like bloating, gas and indigestion.
Hi, is jeera water helps for constipation?
Yes, Jeera water is good for the stomach and its related problems. It stimulates the digestive enzymes, helps in increasing bowel movement, and reduces bloating also.