By Dr. Shikha Sharma
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Breathe Free Even In Polluted Air Around You

4 Natural Herbs To Fight Pollution

Both developed and developing countries are struggling to cope up with the increasing pollution in the air. Exposure to polluted air has many substantial adverse effects on human health. The most common air pollutants are particulate matter (PM), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and lead. Incomplete combustion of biofuels resulting in high levels of chemical components is the major cause of indoor air pollution. These pollutants have a high negative impact on the living organisms exposed to air, as these may become the major cause of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and respiratory infection which further leads to symptoms like a cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite and many more. Children and adolescents are more susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution than adults. Hence air pollution is one of the major risk factors for cardio-respiratory mortality.

Here comes the role of the organic products for relieving from the health issues caused by polluted air. Population nowadays is in favour of organic products because of the use of the organic farming technique that provides environmental benefits. There is evidence that chemical-based fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides are extremely harmful to our health. Even at a very low concentration of the chemicals and air pollutants, there is a reversible fall in lung function, an increase in the irritability of the lungs and evidence of airway inflammation. Organic products and food support sustainable growth and healthy living. They are naturally and effectively helps relieve shortness of breath, respiratory complications, and coughing, without adverse side effects. Also, they help in improving the vital capacity and promotes the expectoration (action of ejecting the mucus or phlegm from the throat). They are available in the form of capsules and powder, containing beneficial herbs. Moreover, organic products are also safe for long-term use.

People suffering from various lungs disorders, airway inflammations, and cardio-respiratory disorders are recommended to organic products to overcome the effects of the allergens and harmful chemicals present in the air (indoor and outdoor) and to breathe freely.

Posted in
#Healthy Lifestyle

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  1. What is the solution is there any medicine

    1. Hi! You can take natural herbs to detox your lungs in this polluted atmosphere. To know more:

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