Diet Plans for Weight Loss – Healthy and Helpful Diet Plan

Diet is an important factor for weight loss. With right exercises, you also need a right diet plan in order to manage your weight effectively. Here we are discussing some diets which will help you lose weight without making you feel weak or lethargic.
Keto Diet
This diet is gaining popularity these days and is opted mainly by diabetic patients. In this type of diet high amounts of healthy fat is consumed which helps in losing weight. A Good source of high-fat natural diet is non-veg.
Paleo Diet
In this diet egg, fish, chicken and fruits are consumed and milk products and legumes are to be avoided.
Atkins Diet
This is the most common diet that is followed to lose weight. It is also known as Low Carb, High Protein diet. In this diet, foods which are high in carbohydrates like sweets, refined etc are avoided and foods with high protein like chicken, fish, egg whites are included. But this type of diet can lead to deficiencies also so, children and pregnant women should strictly avoid this kind of diet.
Some important guidelines to lose weight are as follows:
1. Eggs and soups are a healthy option which will help you feel full.
2. Dinner should be light and early.
3. Do not skip meals.
4. Avoid gaps in between meals.
5. Water intake should be high.
6. Fasting/fruit diet can be done once in a week.
7. Avoid junk/packed/processed/highly refined foods.
8. Add dry fruits like almond and walnuts in your diet.
9. Use rock salt or black pepper in the diet often.
10. Take proper sleep.
The mantra to lose weight is surrounded around taking healthy and balanced diets, proper exercise, optimum sleep, good water intake and adoption of a stress-free lifestyle.
For Personalised Health and Weight Management Plans, you can always call Dr Shikha’s NutriHealth at 011-46666000.
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Hi! We have personalised plans for weight loss. You can WhatsApp us on + 91 8447839546 and we will get in touch with you.
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Hi! We have personalised weight loss plans according to your Prakriti. Kindly WhatsApp us your details at +91 8447839546 and we will get in touch with you.
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