Digital Detox Helps In Improving Mental Health

Technology is the prominent part of our life making our life easier with detrimental effects. In today’s world, the excessive use of technology is considered as addiction with the significant increase in stress, anxiety and depression, impulsive behaviour and insomnia. Technology act as a distracting factor, consuming more time and energy with less interest in the social environment. Excessive technology usage results in a sedentary lifestyle. It has made people more inactive due to sitting long hours in front of electronic devices leading to increase the rate of obesity and diabetes.
What is a digital detox?
Digital detox refers to a term in which the person does not use electronic devices such as computers, laptops and smartphones. This can be for short duration.
Impact of electronic devices usage on mental health
Electronic devices make people incapable of connecting with others, indirectly making devoid of natural emotions. Dependence on these devices results in the inability to generate new ideas affecting cognitive activities. Excessive screen time damages the brain resulting in poor concentration and memory.
Lack of sleep makes the person more tired and find difficulty in coping daily life leading to low self-esteem and low confidence with increased stress levels. This cycle continues if the person doesn’t get sound sleep indirectly affecting mental health.
Significance Of Digital Detox
The motivation behind digital detox to be more productive, reducing stress and to involve in social interactions. Refraining ourselves from the electronic devices helps to:
3. Improved memory and concentration
4. Fewer distractions
5. Mindful behaviour
Digital detox is crucial for our health and relationships. It helps us to spend more time with family and friends and being more calm and balanced in social life. It creates more time on yourself by spending time on exercise and hobbies which will help in strengthening the inner peace. Digital detox also helps to avoid abnormal body postures while working on electronic devices. It also helps in improving performance at work by giving more clarity and hence enhancing creative ideas.
Practising mindful behaviour will lead to the low-stress level, low blood pressure and improved mental health.
Digital detox helps to regain self-confidence by focusing on our goals of life. It encourages to inculcate healthy eating habits. Exercising and being in nature are positive for mental health. It provides an opportunity to feel mentally and physically relaxed.
How To Do Digital Detox?
Start with small ideas like:
1. Turning off notifications
2. Put down the phone before bed
3. Get creative by spending time on hobbies
4. Spending time with loved ones
5. Work out
6. Getting enough sleep