Drinking Alcohol Makes You Warm In Winter, Fact Or Myth?

Many people say that drinking alcohol in winters keeps one warm – But is it really true? What is the logic behind this? Let us go ahead and debunk this myth.
The normal core body temperature of human beings is approximately 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit (37°C). What makes us feel cold is the flow of blood away from the skin and into the organs. This process increases the core body temperature and makes us feel cold. Alcohol has the tendency of reversing this process, i.e., to increase the flow of blood towards the skin and away from the organs, thereby causing a decrease in the body temperature and creating a sensation of warmth.
Alcohol is considered a generalized drug. Its consumption could actually be dangerous because what we consume get filtered through the liver and all the liver enzymes work together to break down the end products. Alcohol is metabolized by 4 main enzymes, Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), cytochrome and catalase. If the alcohol does not get broken down in the liver, then it enters the blood and circulates throughout the body. It has effects on the entire body as well as the brain. After some time blood recirculates through the liver and this process continues until alcohol gets broken down properly in the body and is cleared from the digestive system. If there is a very high intake of alcohol consumption over a prolonged period of time, it is known to be fatal for the liver and organs.
Continuous drinking can cause slurred speech and loss of balance. High level of alcohol consumption acts as a depressant, in this case, the drinker becomes sleepy, and due to losing control over their senses they can put themselves under life-threatening situations.
Freezing point of alcohol
Alcohol has a freezing point of about 22 degrees Fahrenheit, which is lower than the freezing temperature of the water that is 32 degrees. Alcohol has s anti-freeze (an additive which lowers the freezing point of a water-based liquid and increases its boiling point) which makes alcohol warmer than ice.
As per science, a lower freezing point combined with its chemical composition can make a person feel warmer. There are no other magical properties present in alcohol.
Also, alcohol has a property of vasodilator (widening of blood vessels). It dilates the blood vessels and capillaries (particularly just under the skin), during alcohol consumption, which increases the blood volume at the skin surface and makes the person feel warm temporarily.
As per various researches, experts have come to the conclusion that Alcohol does not warm you up.