How to maintain Immunity in Diabetic Patients
As we all know Diabetic Patients can easily catch Coronavirus, How to maintain Immunity in Diabetic Patients
Like any other respiratory tract disease, coronavirus transmits through contaminated air-droplets that come out of the mouth of infected persons when talking, coughing or sneezing. It has the ability to survive in the environment from a few hours to a few days and it depends on the surface and existing environmental conditions. Touching affected surfaces and then touching the mouth or nasal region can be the means of transmission. It can be killed in the environment through alcohol-based solutions.
People with diabetes should plan ahead of time what is to be done before they get infected with this virus. For this contact with the health care provider at hand and keeping a stock of medications and supplies for continuous sugar monitoring at home is essential so that they need not to leave the house if they become ill. There is deterioration of glycemic control at the time of infection.
In a condition like diabetes, even minor health risks can prove expensive. Since blood sugar levels can be brittle during this phase and impact immunity, one should drink plenty of fluids and prevent dehydration. It is also very important to take care of and avoid minor cuts and bleeds. Having good foot hygiene, along with hand hygiene should not be ignored at this vulnerable time. Meticulous skin care can ensure that cuts and bleeds do not turn into major infections which can have an impact on blood flow. So there are certain rules which can be followed during illness and recommended for any stressful situation. These are known as “Sick day rules” which can effectively help diabetics to deal with the disease during COVID-19 infection.
- Keep hydrated
- Monitor your blood glucose
- Monitor your temperature
- If you are on insulin, also monitor your ketone bodies
- Follow your healthcare team recommendations
Simple, sensible measures should be taken in every-day life in order to avoid the disease and maintain diabetes levels:
- Frequently wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based solution, especially before eating and after being in public.
- Don’t share food, tools, glasses and towels.
- Avoid close contact with those who are sick. If someone is visibly ill, coughing or sneezing, keep away.
- If you get sick with respiratory symptoms, stay at home and notify others and your health care provider of the illness.
- When sneezing or coughing, cover the nose and mouth with a tissue or with the crook of the elbow. Throw the tissue in the bin.
- Avoid unprotected contact with wildlife and farm animals.
- The World Health Organization recommends that for people without respiratory symptoms, wearing a medical mask in the community is not required, even if COVID-19 is prevalent in the area; wearing a mask does not decrease the importance of other general measures to prevent infection, and it may result in unnecessary cost and supply problems.