Weight Loss Through Ayurveda

Weight loss through Ayurveda – OneHealth
Weight loss through Ayurveda is A branch of medical science that believes that our body is controlled by Tristambh, which are
- Tridosha- Vata,Pitta,Kapha
- Saptdhatu- Ras,Rakta,Mamsa,Meda,Asthi,Majja,Shukr
- Trimalas- Mutra,Purish,Sveda
A complete balance of all these in the body will lead to a disease-free Nirogi body. An imbalance of any of these can cause vikriti, or the disease process. If we neglect our aahaar (diet) and vihaar (lifestyle), an imbalance of these components develops.
The most common Vikriti, which is a global problem, is obesity, or atisthaulyata. There is an AMA formation(undigested food) in the body that blocks the functioning of dosha and dhatu if we do not follow proper dinchaarya.
Weight loss through Ayurveda is not too difficult if we understand that we have to balance the kapha dosha and meda dhatu. Follow some simple tips in your daily regimen, and you can feel happy and healthy.
Weight Loss Ayurveda: Effective Tips
Food: Eat two major meals in a day: brunch and supper. It is essential that we keep a gap of 6 hours between meals as the jatharagni is low and food takes a longer time to digest.
Water: Warm water is a medicine for losing weight. Start your day by drinking 2 glasses of warm water (ushaapaan), and throughout the day keep drinking cinnamon- or cumin-based warm water. A total of six glasses of water is sufficient for an obese person for the whole day.
Lifestyle : Weight Loss Through Ayurveda
Try to live a disciplined lifestyle and sleep early at night. Make a habit of getting up at the time of Brahm Muhurat and doing physical exercise like brisk walking, running, jogging, aerobics, etc. Be active and energetic the whole day, as kapha imbalances in the body can cause lethargicness and inactivity. Moving around in the house or at your workplace in the afternoon will prevent the accumulation of kapha in the body.
Get your underlying diseases treated:
Ayurveda says that if a person is suffering from uncontrolled weight gain and stuck weight. Diseases like diabetes, thyroid disease, and PCOD should be checked for and treated for effective weight loss.
Basic Body Structure
Never forget that your Prakriti (basic constitution), which you have inherited by birth, will always remain the same. Be regular with your diet and lifestyle routine to sustain the weight you’ve lost.
Kitchen Pharmacy:
Never forget that your kitchen pharmacy is the cheapest and easiest way to lose weight. Adding herbs and spices to daily cooking or taking them in the form of detoxifying teas will boost the digestion process. Herbs like Haridra, cinnamon, chia seeds, flax seeds, curry leaves,shunthi, garlic, cumin seeds, etc. will help in weight loss.
Therapeutic Herbs:
Ayurveda has a description of many herbs that can help in losing weight, some of them are
- Triphala: A superfood, is a combination of amalaki, haritaki, and bhibhitaki that helps to improve the body’s metabolism. Take half a teaspoon at night with warm water.
- Lemongrass: It helps in cellulite reduction. If taken as lemongrass tea twice a day, it has good benefits.
- Giloy: A wonder herb also called Amrita, if taken as giloy tea early in the morning, helps in losing weight caused by some underlying disease.
- Brahmi: A very useful herb for liver health, brain health, and weight loss, shows very good results if taken as tea or decoction.
- Ashwagandha: Is a globally famous herb that helps in fat loss and builds the strength of muscles. To treat any kind of body dysfunction, it is important to follow the right kind of aahaar, vihaar, and aushadh. These healthy tips will help us with slow/ steady, and sustainable weight loss.
What is the Vedique Diet?
Envisioned by Dr. Shikha Sharma, the Vedique Diet is India’s #1 Doctor-driven, scientific weight loss and disease management programme. It is an amalgamation of the best practises of science-backed Ayurvedic nutrition and modern nutrition. The programme follows the philosophy of the Ayurvedic understanding of body composition (Prakriti) and the way food and the environment react with our body. The programme has helped over 51,000 patients lose weight, fight diseases, and become healthier over the past 22 years.
To be a part of the Vedique Diet programme:
Click here for the Vedique Diet program
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