Why Fruits Should Be Avoided At Night?
Consuming a fruit at bedtime can be a calorie overload and also a sugar rush. Some people feel restlessness while sleeping if they eat fruits and carbohydrates before going to bed. Some people say that eating fruits at night can cause weight gain and disrupts sleep.
The Concerns are:
The Weight Gain Issue
Most fruits are high in sugar, so eating fruits before bedtime can cause a weight gain. If someone consumes the required amount of calories in daily diet and then takes one extra medium-size banana before going to bed, will be consuming extra calories. If this habit becomes a constant routine and they take an extra banana daily, in one week he/she will gain 735 calories.
Digestive Problems
Some people have too many digestive problems like-Irritable bowel syndrome, or suffer from fructose malabsorption, for them eating fruits at night will be more problematic. Eating it before bed could cause stomach upset and disrupt sleep, leaving them feeling fatigued the next day. If one suffers from acid reflux, eating fruit before lying down on the bed could spell disaster. All citrus fruits like oranges and pineapples are often problematic for people who have acid reflux and it should be avoided at bedtime.
Healthy Nighttime Snacking Tips
Fruits can be consumed in the night time as a snack but it should be healthy. Avoid fruit canned in sugary syrup. If someone is pairing the fruit with other foods, be wary of your choices. Spicy and citrus– foods can all disrupt sleep.
The Best Time to Eat Fruits
1.On an Empty Stomach in the Morning/Between Meals
It is best to eat fruits on an empty stomach in the morning and in between meals.
Pre/Post Workout
Another time to eat fruits is before or after a workout. If one eats fruits before working out, the fruit’s simple sugars are assimilated for immediate use by the body. And when someone eat fruits following a workout, the nutrients quickly replenish the bodies with energy used up during the workout.