By Dr. Shikha Sharma
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Why Watermelon Should Not Be Consumed At Night?

Watermelon, the bright, colourful juicy fruits have it all in them and to have it all in them one has to consume them daily. According to Ayurveda, fruit consumption should be done in accordance to season and climates. Food, when eaten according to the season, gives the best results.

When we think of summers first thing which pops up in the mind is watermelons! The drier the weather is, the more enjoyable the fruit becomes. The fruit is not only tasty but also filling and healthy. Watermelon is a fruit full of water and packed with nutrients. It has exceptionally good fibres and rich in vitamin A, B6 and C. The fruit gives its benefits in terms of heart care, healthy kidneys, relief from heat stroke and is believed to help normalise blood pressure too.

The best reason to inculcate fruits in the diet is that whenever one feels like binge eating or craves sugar, trust a watermelon to do the job without worrying about the calories.

Some points which should be kept in mind when consuming watermelon are:

  1. Make sure not to combine watermelon with other foods or even fruits.

  2. Melons are generally easily digestible, and therefore once you combine them with other food the digestion process becomes slower.

  3. This results in the fermentation of the melon inside the stomach causing gas and other digestive issues.

  4. It’s a good idea to have it as a snack between meals or as a smoothie in the morning hours.

Do you know that Watermelons eating at night have some side effects too! Below are some important points to keep in mind :

  • Watermelon has a large percentage of natural sugar which may promote weight gain in some cases if eaten at night.

  • As the fruit consists of a huge percentage of water, watermelons may actually lead to frequent trips to the toilet leading to poor sleep and sleep deprivation and fatigue the other day.

The Conclusion

Each and everything has its own pros and cons, so you should always know about the food which is consumed. Hence, knowing your watermelon is important. According to Ayurveda, all foods have its own relevance in terms of its timings due to the nature of food.

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#Healthy Lifestyle

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