By Dr. Shikha Sharma
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Hair and Skin in Monsoon Vedique Solutions 


As the refreshing monsoon showers arrive, they bring along a wave of joy and relief from the scorching heat. However, the rainy season also presents its fair share of challenges for our hair and skin. The increased humidity, dampness, and fungal infections can wreak havoc on our natural beauty. Here is a brief overview of the effects of monsoon on hair and skin:

Excess Humidity

The high humidity levels during the monsoon can cause hair to become frizzy, unmanageable, and prone to breakage. The moisture in the air disrupts the natural balance of the hair, making it more difficult to style.

Fungal Infections

The damp and humid conditions create an ideal breeding ground for fungal infections over skin. Conditions like dandruff, itching, redness, discomfort on the skin and fungal infections such as ringworm, athlete’s foot and yeast infections become more common during this season.

Hair fall

Excessive moisture weakens the hair follicles, leading to increased hair fall. Combined with the fungal infections and lack of proper hair care, monsoon-induced hair fall becomes a prevalent issue.

Increased oiliness

Humidity during the monsoon can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, making the skin appear greasy and prone to acne breakouts. This is particularly troublesome for individuals with oily or combination skin types.

Breakouts and clogged pores

The combination of excess oil production and sweat can clog the pores, leading to breakouts and acne. The increased moisture also promotes bacterial growth, exacerbating the problem.

Uneven Skin tone

Fluctuating weather conditions, and humidity can lead to uneven skin tone and pigmentation issues. Skin may appear dull and lack luster during the monsoon. Fortunately, Vedique solutions offer effective remedies to prevent these monsoon-related concerns, ensuring that we can revel in the beauty of the season while keeping our Hair and Skin healthy.

Haircare In Monsoon

Avoid excessive wetting

Excessive moisture can make your hair limp, frizzy, and prone to breakage. Minimize exposure to rainwater by using umbrellas or hats whenever you step outside.

Gentle cleansing and conditioning

Wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo to remove dirt, pollutants, and excess oil. Conditioning is equally important to maintain moisture balance. Opt for natural, Ayurvedic hair care products, such as shampoos infused with aloe vera, neem, or hibiscus.
Scalp care

Keep your scalp clean and dry to prevent fungal infections like dandruff and itchy scalp. Apply a natural anti-fungal hair oil like coconut oil infused with neem or tea tree oil. Massage it onto your scalp and leave it overnight before washing.

Maintain hydration

Drink an adequate amount of water to keep your scalp and hair hydrated. Consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein to nourish your hair from within.

Skincare in Monsoon

Cleansing routine

Cleanse your face twice a day with a gentle, natural face wash to remove dirt, excess oil, and impurities. Avoid using harsh soaps or chemical-laden cleansers as they can strip away natural oils and disrupt the pH balance of your skin.


Regular exfoliation helps in removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores, preventing acne breakouts. Choose a mild exfoliator suitable for your skin type, such as one made with oatmeal, almond, or apricot.


Despite the humidity, your skin still needs moisture during the monsoon. Opt for water-based moisturizers or light lotions that won’t clog your pores. Look for ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, or rose water, which soothe and hydrate the skin.

Sun protection

Even on cloudy days, harmful UV rays can penetrate through the clouds and damage your skin. Apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and reapply every few hours, especially if you get drenched in rainwater. we have designed a kit called HAIR AND SKIN CARE KIT which contains Vedique herb to combat the ill effects of monsoon on hair and skin. It contains following contents such as:

Milk Thistle

Strengthens hair follicles, prevents hair fall, and stimulates hair growth. It combats dryness, dandruff, and scalp infections.


Improves blood circulation, promoting a healthy scalp and hair growth. It also helps manage dandruff and adds shine to hair.


With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, soothes skin irritations caused by fungal infections or allergies. It helps prevent and treat acne breakouts.

Guduchi (Giloy)

Boosts the immune system, promoting overall well-being and preventing Hair and Skin infections.


For its antifungal and antibacterial properties, controls dandruff, soothes the scalp, and reduces acne breakouts.

Triphala (Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki)

Promotes healthy hair growth, reduces hair fall, and improves skin complexion.

Trikatu (Ginger, Black Pepper, and Long Pepper)

Enhances digestion, improving scalp health and skin glow.


With its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, helps manage skin conditions like acne and psoriasis.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Purifies the blood, reduces acne and blemishes, and supports scalp health, controlling dandruff and strengthening hair follicles. Incorporating these Ayurvedic herbs in hair and skincare routines during the monsoon can promote healthy hair growth, prevent scalp infections, manage skin irritations, and enhance natural beauty. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda to nurture your hair and skin during the monsoon season. Seek guidance from an Ayurvedic expert or a dermatologist well-versed in Ayurvedic principles. They can assess your specific Hair and Skin needs and recommend personalized Vedique solutions for prevention and cure.


Prakriti Analysis Individual 

It is very useful to do the prakriti analysis as it tells us about the mental, physical and functional aspects of our body. The prakriti based guidelines for diet, lifestyle, and usage of herbs results in healthy tissue and a balance of doshas. If we take out some time to do our prakriti analysis, it will help us to know about our body’s cond

Click here Prakriti Analysis

What is the Vedique Diet?

Envisioned by Dr. Shikha Sharma, the Vedique Diet is India’s #1 Doctor-driven, scientific Weight Loss & disease management programme. It is an amalgamation of the best practices of science-backed Ayurvedic nutrition and modern nutrition.  The programme has helped over 51000 patients lose weight, fight diseases, and become healthier over the past 22 years.

Click here Vedique Diet programme

Read Our Previous Article On Vedique Nutrition Remedy To Fight Ill-Effects of pollution


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