What is Green Coffee and What Makes It Talk of the Town?

Tea has become the necessity of the kitchen as no day starts off without tea given to us long back by the Chinese dynasty and with the passage of time the changes in food trends and choices of people new food came in trend which was green tea, a bundle of anti-oxidants with lots of research stating that it has positive effect on the overall body diseases. Now in the current time, Green coffee has taken the same limelight and it is consumed as the way green tea was consumed.
What is Green Coffee?
As we all know coffee is prepared from coffee beans which are roasted and ground to give that mesmerising odour and flavour, same ways the non-roasted beans when ground to produce the powdered form is Green coffee. The main component present in this green bean is Chologenic acid which is supposed to produce a positive effect on weight reduction.
Benefits of Green Coffee:
rich in anti-oxidants
metabolism booster
helps in burning the fat
controls the hunger pangs
lowering the bad cholesterol levels
blood circulation is improved
detoxifies naturally
energy booster
the free radical effect is reduced
strong immune system
slows the skin’s ageing
moisturises the skin
improves the quality of hair
helps to work against baldness
Shall we consume it or not!
The statement on the consumption still has not proved that it actually proves effective in weight loss and other categories. Besides that, it is not easily available and it is unsafe to consume it without having a proper word with any professional.
The side effects of the products can be avoided at all which are similar to that of the regular coffee as well:
disturbed stomach function
heartbeat rate might increase
the frequency of urination increases
disturbed sleep pattern
anxious mood and nature
feeling of restless
More studies are needed to be done before giving a complete note of acceptance to the safer consumption of the green coffee as n weight managing food source.