5 Steps to reduce your Diabetes Medication.

When a person gets to know that they have prediabetes or diabetes symptoms, everything around them changes instantly. Family, friends, and loved ones began to worry about the problem. Most of the time, the response we receive from the people around us, makes us panic even more. However, the most crucial aspect of the circumstance we must comprehend is that, rather than becoming alarmed by the situation, we must take a deep breath and take the responsibility for it. We should start working on ourselves for better health management rather than stressing about the situation.
Although controlling diabetes (read blood sugar) through medications or insulin is the primary treatment option, it may not always be the best option. Most of the time, the medications that are prescribed for diabetes merely manage blood sugar levels; they do not address the root cause. They may also have major side effects like nausea, gas, bloating, diarrhea, b12 deficiency, and an upset stomach. Therefore, it is always advisable to reduce your diabetes medications and external insulin to the minimum.Â
Use the following five stages as a road map to get started on the path to well-managed diabetes with fewer drugs:
1. Lose the Extra Weight
There are so many benefits to losing extra weight for physical and emotional well-being. Most people agree that they feel better in their mood, have more energy, and have better sleep. Everyone’s journey of losing weight is distinct and significant in its way, but certain tips can help you begin yours:
- Setting up a goal is important
- Calculate calorie needs and intake
- Reduce extra calories
- Exercise regularly
- Keep track of your weight loss journey each day
2. Change the Quality of Food
For an ideal diabetic and weight loss diet, the meals should be a well-balanced mix of whole grains, quality proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds shall include in the diet. It is important to ensure that you consume as much unadulterated food as possible in order to reduce inflammation in your body – something which is an essential prerequisite for diabetes reversal.
3. Fix your Meal Timings
First of all, it’s important to understand that skipping meals is harmful, especially if one has diabetes. Breakfast, mid-morning snacks, lunch, evening snacks, and dinner all need to be planned. As it directly affects our blood sugar levels, try not to modify your meal timings and stick to a schedule. This helps to avoid blood sugar spikes.
4. Regular Physical Exercise
Exercise and diet are two essential elements of weight loss and diabetes management. We can accelerate the process of weight loss by including exercise in our daily routine. There are so many additional reasons to exercise that have nothing to do with weight loss, such as improving your mindset, creating a positive environment around your surroundings, and reducing the risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.
5. Including Plant Herbs in your Daily Routine
It is important to consume essential kitchen herbs and natural superfoods in your diabetes reversal journey. These foods help to reduce inflammation and improve organ health while also facilitating balanced blood sugar levels. Include the following 5 herbs in our diet:
- Cinnamon
- Curcumin (Turmeric)
- Fenugreek
- Aloe vera
- Milk Thistle
The Vedique Diet Programme follows the protocol of eating the correct food in correct amounts at the correct time, supplemented with the correct kitchen herbs – all personalised to your body type, Prakriti, stage, and severity of disease, lifestyle, and more.
The Vedique Diet includes and focuses on:
Body Prakriti and multiple organ (liver, gut, kidney) health.Providing long-term results by working on the root problems i.e. inflammation and not just the symptoms No need for fastingDiets that are personalised as per age, nutritional requirements, body composition and type, stage of diabetes – prediabetes vs diabetes, severity of diabetes, Diet as per the severity of the diseaseIn addition to aloe vera, Jamun, neem, methi, or Himalayan berries, herbs specific to your body type and Prakriti will be given
To manage sugar levels, our Nutritionists will use methods like carb counting and glycemic index measurement to help you decide what and how much to eat. To work on the root cause of inflammation and to improve organ health in the long term, the doctors and nutritionist will prescribe a combination of kitchen herbs, concoctions and superfoods. As a result, your blood sugar level will remain within a healthy range, while we work on reversing diabetes.Â
A person with diabetes shouldn’t feel as though their options for meals are limited and restricted. The Vedique diet provides a meal plan which has fiber, protein, healthy carbohydrates, and healthy fats to prevent and manage diabetes. There is no abstinence required. Along with being healthy the diet is tasty and satisfies the taste buds.
More than 46000 people have received treatment from us for their diseases, including those suffering from diabetes. By following the Vedique Diet Program, you can make a healthier lifestyle choice for yourself, too. Check out these success stories.
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