By Dr. Shikha Sharma
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6 Fruits That Can Help Prevent Diabetes.

Lifestyle changes can help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease. Prevention is especially important if you are currently at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes because of excess weight or obesity, or high cholesterol. 

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes — high blood sugar that doesn’t reach the level of diabetes diagnosis, lifestyle changes can prevent or delay the onset of the disease.

Following a healthy eating plan is a necessary first step in this regard. It is important to reduce the number of calories you eat and drink each day, and create a calorie deficit. To do that, your diet should include smaller portions and less fat and sugar. You should also eat a variety of foods from each food group, including plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. It’s also a good idea to limit red meat and avoid processed meats.

1. Guava

Guava is very rich in dietary fibre that helps ease constipation (a common diabetic complaint) and can lower the chance of blood sugar spikes. The rich fibre content of guavas can keep indigestion at bay. 

2. Peaches

A 100-gram serving of peaches contains 1.6 grams of fibre. Fibre ensures the slow release of sugar into the bloodstream. You can have them in the form of salad.

3. Kiwi

The tangy and delicious fruit is filled with antioxidants such as vitamin A and C. Eating kiwi also helps slow the release of glucose, which further keeps the risk of blood sugar spikes at bay. 

4. Apples

An apple a day could do wonders for diabetes management. A storehouse of both soluble and insoluble fibre, apples may help regulate your blood sugar levels and prevent fluctuations too. It’s best to have apples raw and fresh.

5. Grapefruits

Another fruit on the list is grapefruit. A medium-sized grapefruit contains only 9 grams of sugar. So, have it for breakfast or as a snack but, make sure that you eat it in moderation.

6. Oranges

Vitamin C-rich juicy treat without any worries as it won’t hike your blood sugar levels! A medium orange has only 12 grams of sugar and just 70 calories! It also contains potassium and folate which helps in normalizing blood pressure.


The Vedique Diet Programme

The Vedique diet by Dr. Shikha Sharma is a doctor-driven, scientific program to manage weight and diabetes. 

In this program, a doctor and nutritionist will design the diet, nutrition, and herb plan, keeping in mind the body type, health metrics, Lifestyle, etc. In this program, progress is tracked regularly and diets are updated according to the progress every few days. The key USPs of the program are –

  • Direct Guidance from an experienced Vedique Doctor & Nutritionist. 
  • Daily updated diet on the Vedique App in written forms, personalized for every client. 
  • Simple diet plan with healthy kitchen ingredients. No medicine is required. 
  • Personal consultation with professional doctors and nutritionists via call/chat on the Vedique App. 
  • Bio-energy-based diet plan. 

46000, people have benefited from the Vedique Diet Programme. You should too join today!



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