Check If You Are Having Signs Of Weak Liver

In today’s era most of us are practising wrong food habits , wrong food combinations, excessive stress , late night parties or just scrolling our screen. These few habits lead to accumulation of toxins in the liver , as a result the liver becomes weak and shows few signs in the body. Fatty liver grade I is an alarming sign for it. Many a times Fatty Liver does not show any symptoms, if fatty liver is ignored for many years, people can develop symptoms such as
* Swelling over both feet
* Sluggish metabolism
* Stubborn belly fat
* Feels low energy in morning
* Feels sleepy after meals
* Dull skin and hair
* Severe tiredness (fatigue)
* Weakness
* Weight gain
* Yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice)
* Long-lasting itching
The body shows above symptoms because the ingested food is not properly digested due to a Weak Liver. The major function
of the liver is to convert food into energy but due to weak functioning the food is not converted into energy rather it is converted into fat and stored in the body. Many people are trying to lose weight or trying to balance their imbalance hormones but not getting results, the culprit is toxins present inside the body majorly in the liver. Human body needs to detox to get rid of environmental pollutants and toxins. Some unhealthy habits like consumption of alcohol, hard drugs, and junk food can be damaging to your liver. Luckily healthy intake of vegetables and few herbs and vitamin C rich food can naturally clean your system.
Detox kit Is Specially Designed to Detoxify Your Liver As Well As the Whole Body and Prepare the Body for Better Weight Loss With Less Efforts
1. Petite Bio contains triphala( harad, bahera and amla) ,trikatu ( dry ginger, long pepper and black pepper ) and guggul. This herb will help to maintain a healthy gut flora which improves digestion and cleanses the gut. Which further increases the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. As a result, skin and hair becomes smooth and shiny.
2. Basil Berry – It is a combination of neem, giloy, tulsi, haldi and amla. This combination is great for improving immunity and also acts as a blood purifier. This will keep you safe from Flu, acne, dull skin , hairfall, dandruff etc. It is anti-inflammatory in nature so helps in managing inflammation too.
3. Gacula – This herb contains Garcinia cambogia, amla, and turmeric . This herb helps to detoxify the liver. This herb also helps in maintaining the blood glucose level so the energy level can be retained for a longer period.
Prakriti Analysis IndividualÂ
It is very useful to do the prakriti analysis as it tells us about the mental, physical and functional aspects of our body. The prakriti based guidelines for diet, lifestyle, and usage of herbs results in healthy tissue and a balance of doshas. If we take out some time to do our prakriti analysis, it will help us to know about our body’s cond
Click here Prakriti Analysis
What is the Vedique Diet?
Envisioned by Dr. Shikha Sharma, the Vedique Diet is India’s #1 Doctor-driven, scientific Weight Loss & disease management programme. It is an amalgamation of the best practices of science-backed Ayurvedic nutrition and modern nutrition. The programme has helped over 51000 patients lose weight, fight diseases, and become healthier over the past 22 years.
Click here Vedique Diet programme
Read Our Previous Article On How Natural Detoxification Will Help Me In Weight LossÂ